Today my husband and I left our 20 week ultrasound appointment with a box that contained the gender of our little miracle and a heavy heart because of the fact that it was determined that something “wasn’t right” with our baby’s heart. Our doctors sent us to local women's hospital right away to meet with a specialized team of cardiologists. After more tests, the team of doctors determined that our baby has critical aortic stenosis. (In other words, the baby’s heart doesn’t and won’t ever function properly on its own. If the baby makes it to term, a series of open heart surgeries will be performed immediately to try to repair the major malfunctions within and around the heart. Mortality rate is high and the prognosis of survival with this type of heart defect is slim.) After returning home we decided to cancel our gender reveal party and focus our time and effort on our little baby. So we opened our box and found that our little miracle is a BOY!!!! Travis and I are strong in our faith and know that God’s Will will prevail. We don’t have answers and won’t ever know why our baby is that slim odd number with a serious critical heart defect. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow or on April 8th when he is supposed to come into this world. We do, however know that we can’t do this alone. Our journey ahead is going to be long and difficult. We are prepared to take each day a step at a time with God guiding us and comforting us. We need nothing more from all our friends and family, but prayers….prayers for our little guy, prayers for us, and prayers for our doctors.
Prior to finding out the gender, we had picked out a boy’s name….. Cael Ryan. To our surprise, we found out tonight that his name means “mighty warrior and victorious people”. That is exactly what this little guy is…a mighty warrior….a fighter!
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Travis, Tanya & Baby Cael