You don't need to give them a chance to be in control. You can make them permit you to have the vehicle looked at by your own repairman and you ought to. You can likewise let them know "No". You have to recall that they will arrange and you have to persevere when you are hoping to buy. payday loans
I graduated from Edinboro University of PA with a BS in Elementary and Special Education and a Masters in Reading. After graduating I followed my dream to teach these amazing kids! I have taught 3rd grade for eleven years. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for ten years. I love spending time with my family, our son, daughter, and our dog Cali. I also enjoy scrapbooking, taking pictures, Pinterest crafting, blog hopping, creativity, imagination, and teaching 3rd grade!
Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a fantastic summer. It's hard to
believe we are in July already. Time is definitely flying!
Today's post is al...
Summer Book Study for an InterACTIVE Experience
Getting together plans for an Interactive Book Study
on "The Interactive Class" by Joe & Kristen Merrill
to share with teachers this summer.
The authors ar...
Easter Rice Krispie Treats with Mini Cadbury Eggs
You can make these super easy and yummy Easter Rice Krispie treats in no
time. Mini Cadbury Eggs are the perfect addition to this classic treat,
and mak...
Exit Tickets: How to Spice Them Up
One of the questions I always pose to teachers is this: If you're going to
teach a lesson and not give the students an exit ticket or a way to assess
Giving Students a Voice in Our Classroom Library
There's nothing so beautiful as seeing your students happily reading, am I
right? I've been working really hard to convert some of my previous
You Butternut Pout
My husband and I were recently talking about how our eating habits have
changed since we got married 14 years ago. I was an AWFUL cook. Like,
couldn't t...
Meet the Teacher Freebies
12 years later, and I still get butterflies on Meet the Teacher night. I
love meeting a new group, but its such a busy night trying to meet all my
new ...
Alphapalooza 2 Phonemic Awareness & Phonics Fun!
“The two best predictors of early reading success are alphabet recognition
and phonemic awareness.”
-Marilyn Jager Adams
We spend a lot of time working ...
Hey Teachers....It's OKAY.
*Yes YOU.*
The one whose weary body hits snooze 5 times before hurriedly rushing out
the door to get to school on time.
I'm talking to you.
The perm...
#2 pencils
Got this idea from a friend who posted a picture! I think they are perfect
#2 testing pencils! Haha! Sending as a gift to the upper grades.
24 months/2 Years OLD!
**Disclaimer: The fact that I have not updated this blog since April is not
good BUT shows how busy, busy I've been with this little one! I kept
meaning ...
Technical Difficulties!
I'm in the process of switching from Wordpress to Blogger and post images
are not showing up. I am trying hard to have this fixed ASAP, so please
hang tig...
Old Valentine Activity - Newly Updated!!!
Hey! I have a lot of people request access to one of my Valentine
activities and I'm not sure why Google Drive is not letting people download
it, sooooooo...
Ruby Bridges: One Week Wonder
This marks week number two of our biography unit, and we have been busy
learning with my *Ruby Bridges: One Week Wonder* study! We read *The Story
of Ruby ...
Holiday Traditions
Christmas is my favorite.time.of.year.
I love everything about this ...
Making Bulletin Board Titles
Happy Sunday! I wanted to pop in quickly and share how I make my titles
for bulletin boards. I got several questions about this after posting my
Teachers ARE Heroes!
Y'all...I'm SUPER EXCITED! Teachers Pay Teachers is celebrating teachers
everywhere! It's a HUGE TPT SALE...and everything in my store is 28% off!
Be sure ...
Reindeer Preschool Learning Fun
*Here's A Previous Post Worth Checking Out!*
*Preschool Fun*
*Click here to view post.*
*I hope to be back to blogging soon! *
Jeremiah 17:7- Trusting AND Hoping in the LORD
Blessed is in the man who trusts in the LORD, And who hope is the LORD.
-Jeremiah 17:7
This morning I was reflecting on Jeremiah 17:7. In particular, I was...
Math Tool Kit Freebie
Hey my peeps! I hope your summer has been fantastic!! I have two more
weeks, then it’s back to the grind for me.
Hop on over to Blog Hoppin’ to grab a ...
The Walking Classroom is here!
My fifth graders just received a grant from Safe Routes, The Walking
Classroom and our PTO to purchase The Walking Classroom. This program
combines academi...
Elephants Aloft and Positional Words
This week we are learning about positional words in science. Today we read
the book Elephants Aloft. After reading the book we drew elephants and
acted out...
Life is Good
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations to Karyn! You will be receiving an email from me :)
Does anyone own a Life is Good bag? I recently got this one ...
Australian Animals
Hi everyone,
We're settling in to our new life in Australia........I have a NEW
Kindergarten teaching position that I will start next year (which is in...
Sometimes termed as a walking staff or travel staff, this is often a single
pole that's best when utilized on relatively flat terrain sufficient reason
Baseball Cookies... (again)
And another baseball season has passed. And some more cookies have been
eaten. This batch of baseball cookies was of course for my little guy's
team. If y...
Door Decorations Using Cars
Thank you ________ for putting us on the road to success!
Here's the same saying but a variation to the look from Southland
Elementary Volunteers.
The Homeless Christmas Tree
I wanted to share a lesson with you all that I have done with my class for
the past several years. We use the book *The Homeless Christmas Tree* by
New Blog!
As you all know, this blog has been on the back burner for quite a while.
I somehow lost my pictures and haven't had the time (or desire) to try to
fix it...
DIY Milk Glass
Hello my friends! It has been way too long. I hope you are having a
fantastic summer! I would like to say that I have tons to post and my house
is magica...
Hollywood Classroom Photos!
Please go visit my recent 3rd Grade Blog to see updated Classroom Photos
for my Hollywood Classroom this year! While you are there, *please follow
that bl...
Morning Calendar
Boy, sometimes the littlest things make the biggest difference! I am sure
this is a no brainer for a lot of people, but what a difference it has made
with ...
First WAS Fab...Second will be Super!
Thanks to all followers of this BLOG. I will be moving to second grade and
will no longer post to this BLOG. I will, however, leave it active for
viewing a...
We're moving!
Within the next 48 - 72 hours Itsy Bitsy Learners will be moving!
What do you need to do? Nothing ... We're just letting you know incase
things look a litt...
You don't need to give them a chance to be in control. You can make them permit you to have the vehicle looked at by your own repairman and you ought to. You can likewise let them know "No". You have to recall that they will arrange and you have to persevere when you are hoping to buy. payday loans